
Sono già oltre 300 le iscrizioni a Startupbootcamp Berlino

Comincia oggi la due giorni di selezione dei migliori 20 team

Milano, 2 agosto 2012 – Startupbootcamp, l’acceleratore paneuropeo di start-up globali, ha annunciato che oltre 300 start-up provenienti da 38 Paesi di tutto il mondo si sono iscritte per partecipare al programma Startupbootcamp Berlino. Il processo di selezione delle dieci start-up finaliste è cominciato. I migliori 20 team promuoveranno la loro idea davanti ai manager di Startupbootcamp e ai mentori nel corso dell’evento ‘Startupbootcamp in two days’, che si terrà il 10 e 11 agosto.

Following the great success of Startupbootcamp programmes in Madrid, Copenhagen, Dublin and Amsterdam Startupbootcamp Berlin has received a large number of applications. Startup tech entrepreneurs from Norway to Chile have signed up to become part of the accelerator project, and hope to be selected for the intensive three month programme which will prepare them for the Investor Demo Day in November, where startups will pitch their concepts to secure funding.

Berlin has always been a leading city when it comes to fashion, music, events, and lifestyle. It seems to have attracted a lot of teams that want to push for innovation in these fields. This is a reflection of the city but also of the mentors in Berlin, who have a lot of experience to offer in those areas.

Alex Farcet, co-founder of Startupbootcamp and Managing Director of the Berlin program, is thrilled with the quantity and quality of applications. “Looking at the number and the caliber of the applicants we are facing a huge challenge to select the final ten teams, ” said Alex Farcet. “The Selection Days event in August will heavily involve our mentors who will be asked to rate each startup in terms of caliber of team, innovation and market potential.”
The French team of Fourscan can’t wait to start: “We really appreciated the way Alex Farcet did the due diligence on our business, talking with our prospects and asking advice from experts in our industry. The selection process has already been really instructive and we are looking forward to getting even more constructive feedback from Startupbootcamp mentors.”

Connor McEwen, representing team It’s Platonic from the US is looking forward to Berlin “Startupbootcamp’s mentorship and track record of success is truly unmatched. We are thrilled that Europe’s top accelerator is holding its first program in Berlin, which is quickly becoming known as the Silicon Valley of Europe. The vast number of companies that have succeeded here, from eDarling to SoundCloud, not only has helped to further the vibrant tech scene, but also provides an incredible pool of talent which Startupbootcamp has drawn mentors from.”

Startupbootcamp è un programma di accelerazione di start up paneuropeo, attualmente in essere a Copenhagen, Dublino (febbraio-maggio ’12), Amsterdam (aprile-giugno ’12) e presto ne verranno attivati a Londra e Berlino. Al momento sono aperte le iscrizioni per Startupbootcamp Amsterdam, con termine ultimo 12 febbraio 2012. Startupbootcamp consiste in una rete di contatti e nel far parte di un ecosistema di start up internazionali che aiuteranno i partecipanti ad accelerare i tempi. Il programma non solo vanta una vasta rete di mentori, sponsor e investitori, ma anche ambassador che diffondono il concetto di Startupbootcamp in tutto il mondo. Per maggiori informazioni, visitare o Twitter: @SBootCamp

Chiara Possenti
Tel +39 02 75261121
[email protected]

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