The Villa Dental Clinc not only offers its patients the best dental technology , but also a first-class staff of dentists, able to meet any medical need and to follow the patient in all phases of therapy.
Depending on the areas of action, three professionals , supported by a strong staff, carry out medical activities of the Clinic.
Dr. Roberto Villa
Dr. Roberto Villa has a degree in Medicine ( MD ), 1979 and a degree in Dentistry ( DDS ), 1984, both from Turin University. He has attended seminars and courses at the most prestigious centres for Osseointegration in Sweden. Since the late nineties he has concentrated his attention on immediate function especially in post-extraction sites and has developed innovative surgical protocols, published articles and held lectures on this subject in Italy and abroad. His particular interest has been for computer-guided implant surgery for which he has created a personal protocol for use with Nobelguide in post-extraction sites and in complex situations where the residual bone is extremely limited. In the past few years his attention has focused on implant aesthetics especially in post-extraction cases.
Dr. Massimiliano Rossin
Over the years he has continued to attend professional development courses in the various branches of his profession, in particular those regarding cosmetic, minimally invasive and preservative dentistry. At present his work mainly focuses on prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry having just completed a new advanced one-year course on prostheses with Dr. Mauro Fradeani in 2008 .
Dr. Ermenegildo Ferla
He has attended courses on orthodontics held by very important national and international lecturers such as: R.M.Rickets, C. Gugino, I. Dus, P. Bracco, G. Fiorelli. He obtained his “ Invisalign “ certificate in 2007 He is a member of the Societa italiana di Ortognatodonzia Bioprogressiva ( S. I. O. B. ) and the Associazione italiana di Gnatologia ( A. I. G. )
Dr. Lucia Capellaro
Her experience in the field of Anaesthetics, Intensive care and Pain Control Therapy is at international level. She has been a speaker at courses and congresses on Anaesthesia in Day Surgery and Regional Anaesthesia, in Italy and abroad. The Villa Dental Clinic has been using her services since 2002.
At the Villa Dental Clinic the relationship of trust with the the patient comes first , and each of our professionals is not simply a doctor but can become your dentist.