The radiology equipment of the Villa Dental Clinic is at our dentists’ disposal for every eventuality they have to deal with.
The machines are all digital and online which means that the images can be viewed immediately from any computer throughout the Clinic.
All patients are first given a panoramic x-ray to check if there are any bone or dental problems and identify areas of bone where eventual implants might be placed. . Should disease be detected, further, more in-depth periapical (classic dental) x-rays will be taken. These are much smaller in size but more accurate and detailed.
The Clinic also possesses a latest generation CATSCAN: a Cone Beam Volumetric Tomography.
It is the most advanced model with the best volumetric data acquisition available at present on the market: The Kavo 3D eXam
There are numerous benefits to having diagnostic machinery of this level at our disposal:
1) the amount of radiation is much lower compared to a traditional Catscan.
With a traditional Catscan the patient is subjected to a dose of radiation equivalent to 60 panoramic x-rays, while with the Cone Beam the amount of radiation given is at most equivalent to 3 or 4 panoramics.
2) the areas to be checked can be pinpointed with greater precision, thus avoiding radiating adjacent areas to no purpose.
patients undergoing implant restoration or oral surgery in critical areas of the mouth ( e.g. ingrown mandibular wisdom teeth) can be examined immediately within the Clinic.
4) the quality of the image is perfectly comparable to that of the traditional Catscan and can be loaded onto Nobelguide or Materialiste software for digital surgical planning